Employee Appreciation Day: How indinero Honors its Human Capital

indinero is on a mission to move mountains within the business fintech industry. We couldn’t come close to accomplishing what we have or what we’re shooting to do without the all-star lineup and kick-ass culture we have built accordingly. So it’s days like today, national employee appreciation day as well as every day that we like to show how much we love our teammates.

A Few Ways indinero Shows Employee Appreciation:

Culture Committee Office Activities

Fun is a part of our function and a priority. Each office has a culture committee that knows the resources and budgets available to have fun – they get to decide how those are applied for their office. While we maintain the same core values across the entire company, each office has a different identity and way of expressing that personality.

Office Culture Committees are on a volunteer basis. They collectively decide on things like:


While the culture committees mainly focus on their respective offices, some activities are too fun not to share with the entire indinero family. Last month, we held a baby photo matching contest that started in our Portland office but quickly spread throughout the entire world-wide organization!

Thanks to the powers of Slack (indinero’s communication platform of choice), teammates were able to share their infant and childhood photos and then do their best to match each photo to their coworkers. Gift cards were given to the top 5 guessers as well as custom prizes for the silliest photo award and babyface (aka least changed) award.

Core Value Awards

indinero has six core values that each and every team member must live and breath (Psst! Visit our About page to learn more about each one.):

  • Learning and Development
  • All Teams, Same Team
  • Discipline and Accountability
  • Dazzling Our Clients
  • Rethinking the Obvious
  • Radical Candor

We’ve recently started recognizing individuals within the company who exemplify each value on a monthly basis. Check out this trio of winners from our awards ceremony:


Office Attire Theme Days

We’re a casual bunch! Our professionalism is emphasized in how we work with our clients and build excellent software, so aside from the occasional Fancy Friday, we typically leave our bow ties and ball gowns at home. This wardrobe bandwidth also allows us to band together and show our enthusiasm through attire-based self-expression. Here’s an early shot of the team’s very first office jersey day… right out of rip city!


Fun Fact: This year, employee appreciation day actually coincides with Band Shirt Day at indinero’s Portland office. Rock on!

Employee Retreats (aka Camp indinero!)

As our co-founder and CEO, Jessica Mah puts it “lots of serendipitous magic happens at camp [indinero].” Twice a year we round the indinero troops and hit the road for an excursion free of work and focused on getting together as human beings.

Jessica adds: “While it might not seem like you are directly working, you’ll build some powerful relationships that may lead to getting even better business results.”

Her inspiration for camp stemmed from the many CEO events she attends on the weekend. It all comes back to having a good time and getting the chance to connect with anyone within the company who you might not have a chance to otherwise.


This shot is from the Summer 2015 team trip to Klickitat River in Oregon.

Our Website

Yes. You read that correctly. All the photos on indinero.com are not stock photos. They are photos of actual indinero individuals and teams working together in the office.


We chose to do this for a number of reasons including style, authenticity, and honestly pricing. Sourcing stock photography is time-consuming and typically the photos that do end up being right and high quality are very pricey. By taking our own photos of our actual team we were able to get high-quality images, images of real people in a business setting, AND let our actual employees be the face of our company. What could be better?